Digital Alliance Investors
Investor Information
The Northeast Wisconsin Digital Alliance was created as a result of local industry leaders voicing concern about a widening gap in the supply of technology talent. As baby boomers retire, there are fewer and fewer people entering the IT fields to replace them. At the same time, demand for these roles continues to rise. The Northeast Wisconsin Digital Alliance is a collaboration of employers, working with educational institutions, workforce development boards, chambers of commerce, and state organizations to promote IT in our 18 county region. Benefits of joining the NEW Digital Alliance include the following:
- Your company’s job openings can be posted on the Alliance’s website.
- Your company’s website will be linked to the NEW Digital Alliance website.
- Your company’s IT youth apprenticeship, internship, and career opportunities can be posted on the Alliance website.
- You become part of the solution to the IT workforce shortage
- Network with other IT leaders, educators, and students
Current Investors
Executive Level
Strategic Level
Community Partners