December 2022 Tech Upload

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NEW Digital News

Alliance News:

As of May 27th, 2022, NEW Digital Alliance is under the direction of new leadership with the resignation of Director, Kim Iversen. Iversen would like to thank you for your trust, patronage, and support in the NEW Digital Alliance’s efforts to solve the digital and IT talent gap in Northeast Wisconsin over the last five years. Her position as Director has been filled by Jason Mathwig, NEW North’s Industry Alliance Director. If you have comments or questions, please email NEW Digital Alliance at Thank you!

CSEdWeek 2022 #CelebratingProgress:

Computer Science Education Week is an annual call to action to inspire k-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. This year, CSEdWeek was celebrated December 5th through the 11th all over the globe. CSEdWeek’s theme for 2022, #CelebratingProgress, highlighted the progress that has occurred in computer science education over the last decade. There have been many great advancements in making CS education more equitable and accessible for all learners!

Be inspired by this year’s CS Heroes who are making an impact everywhere:



















































































To learn more about CSEdWeek 2022, visit

Regional News

Lego Robotics: Kimberly Area School District

Kimberly Area School District’s Woodland Intermediate School started a new 6th grade Lego Robotics intramural this year with 30 students participating. Students are having fun exploring the EV3s through online tutorials and will be eventually designing their own creations. Students are highly engaged and come to each meeting excited to experiment with the machines and create more. The club is led by Woodland’s Computer Applications teacher, Emily Berndt, and Gifts and Talented teacher, Lindsey Heinz.

Girls Who Code Club: Kimberly Area School District

Kimberly Area School District’s JR Gerritts Middle School started a new Girls Who Code Club this year and had 9 girls participate. The girls enjoyed the Sisterhood activities, Girls Who Code Tech Spotlights and mostly challenging themselves to learn python. The club was led by JR Gerritts Middle School’s Computer Science teacher, Aimee Knaus, and local volunteer,  Jill Guertin.

gener8tor Project Management Skills

Looking for support to get the job you have always wanted? Our team at @gener8tor is excited to support you in getting there! Our 6 week Skills Accelerator will provide you with one-to-one career coaching, job search necessities like resume and cover letter, and job search support with a dedicated associate. We know you have so much to offer and we can’t wait to see you join our program, it begins January 23, 2023. 

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NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing

The Wisconsin Affiliate of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors 9-12th grade women, genderqueer or non-binary students for their computing-related achievements & interests. This past year (2021-22) we honored 138 students! You could join us and support the program by giving the gift of your time for application reviews. Application reviews can be completed at your own pace – whenever you have a free moment – taking on average 3 hours in total. Not only will you be inspired by the next generation of technologists, but you will also receive recognition in our annual Award Recognition booklet. If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, please email us at indicating your interest with your full name and organization.

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